Query transaction details

Query the details of a single transaction

Endpoint usage

POST https://api.bridgers.xyz/api/exchangeRecord/getTransDataById

The fields with * are required, and the fields without * are optional

Request Body




Order Id

        "orderId":"kydjhyt5_rec8_tfdi_s67b_td5kpu8qezy0",  //  Order Id 
        "fromTokenAddress":"0xa71edc38d189767582c38a3145b5873052c3e47a", // Contract address for the token to sell 
        "toTokenAddress":"0x382bb369d343125bfb2117af9c149795c6c65c50",  // Contract address for the token to receive  
        "fromTokenAmount":"5",   // Amount of token to sell
        "toTokenAmount":"3.99",  // Estimated amount to receive  
        "fromAddress":"0x19...",  // User address 
        "slippage":"",  // slippage 
        "fromChain":"HECO",  // Network of the token to sell 
        "toChain":"OKEXCHAIN",  // Network of the token to received  
        "hash":"0x505c3b4ebecb3f95e2d51d140c732be7ac6b57119ff2a08908f171f6f00daa1a",   // Deposit Hash 
        "depositHashExplore":"https://hecoinfo.com/tx/0x505c3b4ebecb3f95e2d51d140c732be7ac6b57119ff2a08908f171f6f00daa1a", // Deposit hash explorer URL
        "status":"receive_complete",  // Order status 
        "createTime":"2022-01-25 14:24:35", // Order create time  
        "source":"Bridgers1",  // Source channel 
        "toAddress":"0x19...",   // Receiving address 
        "toHash":"0xf4575d8e99474319bbc8f5a849ac8821ace868bc3d4ca93723f2c5ead200a5bb",    // Transaction Hash 
        "receiveHashExplore":"https://www.oklink.com/oec/tx/0xf4575d8e99474319bbc8f5a849ac8821ace868bc3d4ca93723f2c5ead200a5bb", //  Transaction hash explorer URL 
        "equipmentNo":"0x19b991...", // Equipment number 
        "refundCoinAmt":"",  // Refund amount 
        "refundHash":"",   // Refund Hash
        "refundHashExplore":"",   // Refund hash explorer URL
        "refundReason": "1", //(1-Insufficient liquidity, 2-Exceeding threshold error, 3-Maintenance of the original currency, 4-Blacklisted, 5-Maintenance of the target currency, 6-The amount of redemption is not within the range, 7-Deposit timeout, 8-Interact with risky address)
        "fromCoinCode":"USDT(HECO)",  // Token to sell 
        "toCoinCode":"USDT(OKExChain)"   // Token to receive  

Code example

// example
const params = {
 orderId: '', //order number
 const res = await axios.post('https://api.bridgers.xyz/api/exchangeRecord/getTransDataById',params)

Postman example

Status field Parsed for display

wait_deposit_send: 'Waiting for deposit',

wait_deposit_send_fail: 'User deposit failed',

wait_exchange_push: 'Exchanging...',

wait_exchange_return: 'Exchanging...',

wait_exchange_return_success: 'Exchanging...',

wait_receive_send: 'Exchange complete, ready to issue crypto',

wait_enough_send:'Issuing crypto….'

wait_receive_confirm: 'Confirming issue ….',

receive_complete: 'Swap completed',

wait_refund_send: 'Refunding',

wait_refund_confirm: 'Confirming refund ...',

refund_complete: 'refund complete',

timeout: 'Timeout',

ERROR: 'Exchanging...',

wait_for_information:'please contact customer service.'

Last updated